How we set and use rates
Rates are an annual charge against a property set by Council in July of each year. Rates help us to fund the services we provide.
Council releases an average rate increase for the district each year, but what your own property rate increase looks like is heavily dependent on your circumstances. It varies depending on the services your property receives as well as the recent property revaluation.
Types of rates and what rates pay for
Rates are assessed under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 (LGRA) on all rateable rating units in the Rating Information Database. Generally each Certificate of Title is classified as a rating unit (with certain exceptions allowed in the LGRA.)
Where rates are set on value, the capital value of the property will apply.
Stratford District Council rates are set on a number of factors, including:
- the rating valuation of the property
- the number of Separately Used or Inhabited Parts (SUIPs) of the property. A SUIP includes any part of a rating unit that is used or occupied by any person, other than the ratepayer, having a right to use or inhabit that part through a tenancy, lease, licence, or other agreement; or any part or parts of a rating unit that are used or occupied by the ratepayer for more than one single use.
- the availability of services to the property (refuse collection and water and wastewater connections)
- the location of the property (community centres).
Rates are made up of two types: general rates and targeted rates.
Your rates bill will include some or all of the following.
1. General rate calculated by a Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC)
The UAGC is a fixed charge on every separately used or inhabitable part of a rating unit within the district. Council sets a UAGC under Section 15 of the LGRA. A breakdown of the activities funded from the UAGC for 2024/25 is:
- Democracy - 36.9%
- Stormwater - 11.6%
- Civil Defence & Emergency Management - 11.4%
- Building Control - 11.2%
- Resource Consents - 7.0%
- District Plan - 5.6%
- Economic Development - 5.6%
- Bylaws - 3.6%
- Animal Control - 3.2%
- Liquor Licensing - 2.7%
- Environmental Health - 2.6%
- Solid Waste - 0.7%
- Corporate Support - (-2.0%) This is a negative % because it represents income from rates penalties, resulting in a lower amount required to collect through the UAGC.
2. General rate calculated on a differential basis using the capital value of the property
General | The general rate is based on a rate in the dollar using the capital value of each rating unit within the district and will be used to fund all activities that are not covered by the uniform annual general charge, targeted rates or other funding mechanisms outlined in Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy. Council set a general rate under Section 13 of the LGRA. |
Roading | The roading rate is based on a rate in the dollar using the capital value of each rating unit within the district and will be used to fund roading and street services activities within the district. Council set a targeted roading rate under Section 16 of the LGRA using the following categories: a) Default category rate (all rateable land not in the forestry category) b) Forestry category rate. This includes: - All rating units where the primary land is exotic forestry, and - All land used for exotic forestry with an area greater than 10 hectares in any rating unit where the primary land use is not exotic forestry. (The capital value of rating units to which this applies will be apportioned between the Forestry category and the Default category) |
Activities funded by General Rates
Recreation and Facilities | To fund activities such as the Library Hub, Parks and Reserves, Wai o Rua - Stratford Aquatic Centre, Cemeteries, Aerodrome, Housing for Older Persons, Civic Amenities and Public Toilets |
Community Development | To fund activities such as Community Services, part of economic development and some rental and investment properties (including the Farm and Holiday Park). |
3. Targeted rates
Council set targeted rates for the following services and activities:
The roading rate is based on a rate in the dollar using the capital value of each rating unit within the district and will be used to fund roading and street services activities within the district.
A differential rate is applied on rating units which have forestry land as the primary use, but exclude land that is categorised under the valuer general’s rules as indigenous forests or protected forests of any type.
The wastewater rate is a fixed charge per the number of water closets and urinals within each separate rating unit which is connected to a public sewerage drain. The wastewater rate will be used to fund the wastewater activity.
50% Wastewater charge for serviceable properties
The 50% wastewater rate is a fixed charge per each separate rating unit within 30 metres of a public drain and which has the ability to be connected to the public sewerage drain. The wastewater rate will be used to fund the wastewater activity.
Water Supply
The water supply is a fixed charge per each separate rating unit to which water is supplied in the Stratford Water Supply area, the Midhirst Water Supply area, and the Toko Water Supply area.
An additional water supply rate is charged per unit of water supplied in the Stratford Water Supply area, the Midhirst Water Supply area, and the Toko Water Supply area to any rating unit which has been fitted with a water meter. The water supply rates will be used to fund the supply activities in the Stratford, Midhirst, Toko areas.
50% Water supply charge for serviceable properties
The 50% water supply rate is a fixed charge per each separate rating unit within 100m of the water main, which has the ability to be connected to a Stratford District Council water supply.
Solid Waste (includes rubbish and recycling kerbside collections)
The solid waste rate is a fixed charge per each separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit from which Council is prepared to collect a container of refuse, as part of its normal refuse disposal service, in the Stratford and Midhirst domestic collection area. The solid waste rate will be used to fund the urban solid waste activity.
Community Centres
The community centre rate is a fixed charge per each separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit in the listed community areas, which will be used to fund the operating costs of the community centres.
4. Taranaki Regional Council Rates
Stratford District Council collects rates on behalf of the Taranaki Regional Council. Further information on Taranaki Regional Council rates may be obtained by contacting the Taranaki Regional Council’s offices at 47 Cloten Road, Stratford or telephone 06 765 7127.