Submissions on Stratford's Long Term Plan to be heard next week
Next Tuesday 18 May, Stratford District Council elected members will be hearing from and deliberating on submissions received on their Long Term Plan 2021-31.
Council shared it’s LTP Consultation Document and supporting information with the community throughout the month of April, holding three public meetings in Whangamomona, the Stratford War Memorial Centre and Whakaahurangi Marae.
District Mayor Neil Volzke says those who attended the meetings got the chance to challenge us and have their say on the plan. “Alongside the written submissions, we’ll be able to call on feedback received at those meetings to factor into our thinking when making final decisions on the plan.”
Council received 114 submissions in total on the plan and 14 people requested to speak at the hearing to be held in the Council chambers on Tuesday from 9am.
Mayor Volzke says, “While I had hoped more people would take the opportunity to provide feedback on the plan, we’re grateful to those who have taken the time to complete the submission form and have their say.”
“Every bit of feedback received on our plan is valuable to our decision making process,” he says.
Mayor Volzke says a highlight of the consultation period was their visit to Toko and Huiakama Primary Schools where students shared their Enviro School achievements.
“We were blown away by their efforts and it was encouraging to receive in person LTP submissions from Huiakama students on our visit. These kids are our future and if they can be involved in the decision making process now, I like to think they’ll continue to engage in activities and decisions that impact their community as they grow into adulthood.”
Council’s consultation included four key questions for the public and a snapshot of submissions received show some close debates for at least three of these:
- The issue of water conservation saw 43 people support the introduction of water meters and 41 against.
• The waste minimisation issue had 53 submitters in support of a food and green waste collection service and 30 against.
• The introduction of an economic development targeted rate had 47 submitters say yes and 30 no.
• The proposal of another Council-led residential subdivision had stronger support in numbers with 61 for and 19 against.
Councillors will discuss these topics and more at the Policy and Services Committee hearing meeting next Tuesday. The meeting is open to anyone to attend. “If you’re interested we encourage you to come along and listen,” says Mayor Volzke.