What’s your 2024 Recycling Week challenge?
Some easy Extra credit
Soft Plastics
Keep a bread bag in your kitchen and stuff it with all types of soft plastics from chippie and muesli bar packets, other bread bags, and even the cleaned plastic off meat trays. Then once a month, take your bag off to your local soft plastic recycling spot. You can find these at some supermarkets or check online at Stratford.govt.nz/Recycle
Challenge: Can you fit more than 116 pieces of soft plastic in one bag? That’s our Waste Minimisation team’s top score.
Keep your old clothes out of landfill. Clean, good quality clothes can be given to charity second-hand stores. To keep your clothes in action longer, you can repair or upcycle them - there are lots of creative tutorials online. Or, if your favourite pants (not made of nylons or spandex) have totally given out, take off the buttons and zippers and use them for cleaning cloths or dusters, dish brushes, and mops. Inspo online!
Sports Gear
At the start of a new sports season, it’s not uncommon to check kids sports gear and find the boots don’t fit, the bat is too small, or even the ball is the wrong size. How about donating them to your local sports club? Potential new members may want to try a sport but don’t want to outlay for all the gear. If they enjoy it they stay and that’s a bonus for your club, it’s a win-win!
What else can I recycle?
Did you know there’s a light-bulb recycling place in Stratford? Want to know where to take batteries for recycling? Visit Stratford.govt.nz/Recycle and type in your item. Our handy tool will tell you whether it can be recycled and how.