New waste contractor for Taranaki
On 1 October, Waste Management NZ started their new 10-year contract to look after solid waste management and kerbside collections for Stratford, South Taranaki, and New Plymouth district councils.
Stratford district residents may not notice many changes, apart from the new fleet of more fuel-efficient collection trucks. Kerbside collections will run as usual and to the same schedule, and there won’t be changes to our bins or what we recycle.
There is, however, a new pod recycling system at the Transfer Station instead of the usual skip bins for recyclables. Glass, cardboard, and recyclable plastics now go into openings in the pod. The friendly staff at the Transfer Station haven’t changed, so shout out if you have any questions about the new system, and thanks for taking advantage of the free recycling at the Transfer Station. We appreciate the good work you’re doing to reduce landfill waste!
Opening hours at the Transfer Station also changed this week. It’ll now be closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, days of low use, and hours have been adjusted across the rest of the week, with earlier opening hours on the busy days of Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. The total number of hours it’s open for is unchanged. Visit for the new timetable.
Got any questions about kerbside collections? Visit, give us a call on 06 765 6099, or make a report on the Antenno app.