Your Guide to Composting
Food waste and other organic materials make up over 30% of the waste sent to landfill in Stratford's kerbside bins. Home compositing can easily turn this organic material from a waste product into a resource.
To support home composters, STDC, SDC and NPDC have developed this handy guide for how to compost at home. Click on the image to the right to download the guide.

Zero Waste Composting Hub
Composting is a great way to reduce waste at home! Visit the Zero Waste Website for more handy tips on home composting.
Sustainable Taranaki has also developed great composting how-to resources. Check out the Sustainable Taranaki website for video guides of how to set up both a conventional compost system and a worm farm. (see below)
Love Food Hate Waste also has some wonderful resources on worm farming. View their website.
Check out The Compost Collective for more great tips on these natural ways to manage your organic waste at home