There's a total ban on the use of handheld and unattended hoses, sprinklers, irrigation systems, and water blasters for residential users of the Stratford, Midhirst, and Toko water supplies. Tap/click to find out more.
Council provides a range of parking services and facilities to make accessing the District easy and safe.
Free street parking is available on all streets within the Stratford urban area. A large free and time-unlimited public carpark area is provided between the Stratford District Council office and the War Memorial Centre on Miranda Street. This area is readily accessible to the centre of town through Prospero Place.
Street parking in the central shopping area and near dairies is time limited. Signs in these areas advise the length of time your vehicle can remain in the parking space.
There are no time limits for parking in the evenings from 5.00pm on and the weekends after noon on Saturday. Time limits start from 8:00am Monday to Saturday.
Five disability car park spaces are provided in the central shopping area. These are located:
These parking spaces may only be used if you have and display a current Mobility Card.
Motorcycle (including motor scooter) parking spaces are provided on either side of Broadway beneath the Clocktower. Other types of vehicles are not permitted in these spaces.
Stratford District Council also issues infringement fines to the owners of vehicles which are unwarranted or do not have a current vehicle registration.
The owner of any vehicle parked in contravention of either traffic laws or the Bylaw parking restrictions will receive an Infringement Notice. This must be paid to Council within 28 days. At that time you will receive a Reminder Notice giving a further 28 days for payment to be made. Any payment outstanding after this time will be referred to the District Court and Court costs will be added.
Parking infringements can be paid online.
If you do not agree with the "ticket" you can write into Council giving a detailed explanation of why you should not have received the fine.
Council will cancel a ticket if it is:
Either post or email the waiver application form to Council.
You also have the right of appeal on any parking or other stationary vehicle offence by appearing at the District Court.