Creative Communities Scheme
Fund recipients
Projects funded in 2024
Applicant | Purpose | Allocation |
Zeal Taranaki | Stratford’s Got Talent! Youth-led talent show | $2,318 |
South & Central Taranaki Home Education, Inc | Group art classes for homeschooled youth | $1,600 |
Pembroke School | Bi-annual production | $2,200 |
Creative Fibre Taranaki | Fibreworks 2024 – an exhibition of hand created fibre items | $1,800 |
Stratford Camera Club | Annual Taranaki Inter-club photography exhibition | $1,050 |
Taranaki Singer Songwriter Development Trust | Singer Songwriters Stratford 2025 | $1,200 |
Aviv Liron | Storytelling performances at Stratford kindergartens | $2,000 |
South & Central Taranaki Home Education Inc | Home-school art classes and creative co-op | $975 |
Kathleen Heath | Music for teens | $2,000 |
Zeal Education | DJ workshops and event | $1,395 |
Stratford Art Society | Spring exhibition | $2,200 |
Stratford on Stage | Christmas SOS production | $2,590 |
Projects funded in 2023
Applicant | Purpose | Allocation |
Zeal Education Trust - Taranaki | Hip Hop dance School Holiday programme | $1,094 |
Stratford High School | School Production – Madhouse Production | $935 |
Yellow Eye Dunedin | Primary School workshop and show with award winning duo ARO | $1,360 |
Toko School | School Production – The Wizard of OZ | $1,746 |
Aotearoa Quilters Taranaki | Exhibition – Threads of Time | $1,420 |
Justin Morgan | Art Exhibition – ABOARD; what’s in the suitcase? | $1,832 |
Stratford Floral Art Group | Floral Art Workshops | $450 |
Taranaki Embroiderers Biennial Exhibition | Exhibition – The Majesty of the Needle | $977 |
Taranaki Singer Songwriter Development Trust | Singer Songwriters Stratford | $600 |
Zeal Education Trust - Taranaki | Stratford Youth Festival | $800 |
Te Rangimārie – Stratford High School | Te Rangimārie mural | $1,600 |
Stratford on Stage | West 'N' Wild | $2,000 |
Stratford Community Childcare Centre | Pavement mural for outdoor environment | $1,000 |
Stratford A& P Association | Stratford A&P Show 2023 | $320 |
Susan Balckwell | Shakespeare Globe University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare | $750 |
Stratford & Districts Scottish Society | Stratford & Districts Scottish Society Pipe Band | $1,000 |
Stratford Art Society | Stratford Art Society Members Exhibition 2023/2024 | $1,832 |
Taranaki Arts Trail | Taranaki Arts Trail | $985.45 |
Stratford Shakespeare Trust | Stratford Shakespeare Festival 2024 | $5,818.75 |
Projects funded in 2022
Applicant | Purpose | Allocation |
Daphne Bland | Art for Seniors workshops | $1,952 |
Music Innovation Trust of Taranaki | Extending the 'Around the Mountain' performance series | $3,000 |
Stratford Floral Art Group | Hall hire for meetings and practice | $385 |
Stratford Art Society | 2022 exhibitions of member works at the Percy Thomson Gallery | $3,368 |
Stratford Camera Club | Tutor fees and venue hire for wildlife photography workshop for members | $265 |
Fibreworks 2022 Exhibition Committee | Exhibition of works of members of Taranaki Creative Fibre groups at the Percy Thomson Gallery | $1,000 |
Rohan Wealleans | Curated exhibition of the works of contemporary Aotearoa artists at the Percy Thomson Gallery | $2,000 |
Pembroke School | All of school production in term 4 - ‘Shakespeare Rocks’ | $2,456 |
Midhirst School | End of year school production – Aotearoa Spectacular | $180 |
Stratford Singers | 1940’s Big Band era show – Sentimental Journey | $3,800 |
Dwayne Duthie | Art exhibition – A Double Edge Sword | $598 |
Central Taranaki Embroidery Guild | Embroiderer’s Guild Monthly meetings | $230 |
Stratford & District Scottish Society | Weekly workshops, tutoring and practises | $1,000 |
Shakespeare Festival Workshops for Young People | Shakespeare festival workshops for young people | $5,650 |
Taranaki Quilt Festival | Taranaki Quilt Festival 2023 | $2,000 |
Projects funded in 2021
Applicant | Purpose | Allocation |
Cherie Dodds | Exhibition of works | $500 |
Elyse Lewis | Shakespearean themed murals | $2,000 |
Jo Stallard | Community life drawing sessions | $1,500 |
Koru Kindergarten | Tutor to teach tamariki weekly waiata | $500 |
Stratford Art Society | Exhibition of member's works | $1,564 |
Stratford Camera Club | Workshops for members | $600 |
Stratford Community Childcare Centre | Natural arts & waiata | $500 |
Stratford District & Scottish Society Inc (Pipe Band) | Youth piping & drumming workshops | $750 |
Stratford Floral Art Group | Tutor fees, hall hire & supplies | $300 |
Stratford Primary School | School production | $1,500 |
Stratford High School | School production - "Moana'" | $2,750 |
Stratford Shakespeare Trust | Community festival | $2,000 |
Stratford Singers | Production - "A Slice of Heaven" | $2,950 |
Taranaki Diocesan
School for Girls
| Show Quest | $300 |
Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls | House Music Comp | $300 |
Taranaki Diocesan
School for Girls
| School production | $850 |
Stratford Floral Art Group | Workshops | $570 |
Verdigris Creative Studio | Creative workshops | $1,000 |
Whakaahurangi Marae | Kapa Haka Rōpu | $2,700 |
Whakaahurangi Te Rōpu Wahine Māori Toko I te Ora - Māori Women's Welfare League | Whāriki & Tūwhara wānanga | $1,800 |
Projects funded in 2020
Applicant | Purpose | Allocation |
Aotearoa Quilters Taranaki | Exhibition of works | $775 |
Jack Moser | Piano performances to schools | $1,847 |
Joanne Stallard | Life drawing sessions | $2,000 |
Koru Kindergarten | Tutor to teach tamariki Taranaki reo, waiata & karakia | $2,400 |
Rhonda Bunyan | Photographic exhibition | $1,000 |
Stratford & District Scottish Society Inc (Pipe Band) | Youth piping & drumming workshops | $750 |
Stratford Community Childcare Centre | Tutor to teach tamariki local waiata | $2,400 |
Stratford Art Society | Summer & winter exhibitions of members' works | $2,564 |
Stuart Greenhill | Photographic exhibition | $3,500 |
Stratford Floral Art Group | Workshops | $400 |
Taranaki Patchworkers & Quilters Guild | Exhibition of members' works | $1,250 |
Toko School | School production - The Wizard of Oz | $1,500 |
Whakaahurangi Te Rōpu Wahine Māori Toko I te Ora - Māori Women's Welfare League | Te raranga & taniko wānanga | $3,600 |
Projects funded in 2019
Applicant | Purpose | Allocation |
Koru Kindergarten | Tutor to teach tamariki local waiata | $2,880 |
St Joseph's Catholic School | School production about Māori myths & legends | $1,900 |
Stratford & District Scottish Society Pipe Band | Youth piping & drumming workshops | $750 |
Stratford Art Society | Biannual exhibition of members' works - Summer exhibition | $1,175 |
Stratford Business Association | Creative Broadway Hoarding, Interactive Art | $2,000 |
Stratford Camera Club | Taranaki Interclub project | $1,370 |
Stratford District Youth Council | A Scary Night | $1,500 |
Stratford Floral Art Group | Workshops | $300 |
Stratford on Stage | The Addams Family Values musical | $1,500 |
Taranaki Artocracy | An exhibition of Taranaki artists, curated by Jan Huÿbers (applicant) | $300 |
Taranaki Diocesan for Girls | House music competition | $770 |
Taranaki Embroiderers | Bi-ennial exhibition of members works | $800 |
Toko Assembly Hall | Update art work on the side of hall | $460 |
Whakaahurangi Te Rōpu Wahine Māori Toko I te Ora - Māori Women's Welfare League | Te Raranga wānanga | $1,800 |