Bins not empty after collection day? Check 2 things!
When our waste management team looks into people’s reports of glass recycling not being picked up, or bins only partially being emptied, they get all Sherlock Holmes and start investigating. What they’ve discovered is that there are 2 easy things to check to help your rubbish and recycling collection go without a hitch.
1 - Does your glass recycling sit below the top of your crate?
Glass that’s stacked too high in your blue crate can fall and break, and your crate may be too heavy for our collectors to carry safely.
Make sure your glass is below the top of your crate. If it’s overfull, it will not be picked up and you’ll need to wait until your next glass collection day. (Lids off too please).
If you’ve got too much glass for your crate, drop it off at the Transfer Station for free, or store your extra until it can go back in your crate.
2 - Are large pieces of cardboard or other items wedged or stuck in your rubbish bin?
Large items in particular can get stuck in your red-lid bin, blocking some of your rubbish from being emptied. We find pizza boxes and large cardboard pieces are often the cause.
Use your yellow recycling bin for cardboard. It’s less likely to cause issues because the bin is larger, and you’ll be helping to reduce waste going to landfill.
Did you know? Our truck drivers will give bins 3 good shakes to get your rubbish and recycling out, anymore and they risk weakening and damaging your bin.
Still experiencing issues?
If there are no stuck items inside your bin and it still hasn’t been fully emptied, please let us know by calling 06 765 6099 or raising a report using the Antenno app. We’ll be able to review camera footage from the truck and get to the bottom of it!